Dubai Medical College (DMC)

Organisation's information


The College has drawn its goals from the general purpose behind the Creator’s creation of man, which is no other than serving Him alone. Says the Qur’an: I did not create the genie and the man except that they should worship only Me. (51:56) From this general principle, branches off other subsidiary goals that control the entire range of man’s actions whether they are in relation to God or other men or animals or vegetables or inanimate objects. Islamic Shariah, thus, has rules of guidance that cover all movements of man in the universe for the achievement of definite goals. Man's endeavor to realize the general and particular goals formulated by Islam is sure to lead him to human perfection, to spiritual sublimity and material advancement. This is what has been proved by facts and confirmed by reason and the Shariah of Islam. Guided by the above mentioned goals of the Islamic Shariah, the founding fathers of the College have made a firm determination to inculcate the true educational and scientific spirit among those who avow their adherence to it, in keeping with the following objectives: 1. Awareness of the true meaning of servitude to Allah. 2. Acquiring knowledge of Medicine and Surgery to such an extent that the graduate may pursue the medical profession with ability and distinction. 3. Shortening the study period through intensive teaching, lengthening the working hours and avoiding wastage of time by curtailing the holidays during the academic year. 4. Modernizing the methods of teaching so as to realize the objective of self-learning and positivism on the part of the learner. 5. Singularity of the curriculum by making it, as far as possible, three-dimensional: a dimension for pure knowledge, a dimension for practice and training, and a dimension for application. 6. Producing singularly proficient lady doctors of high academic excellence, capable of shouldering responsibilities on obtaining the degree of MBBS. 7. Producing lady doctors possessed of Islamic morals and manners as well as a deep knowledge of Islamic tenets particular to women and those relating to medical profession; doctors that are aware of the relations between a physician and a patient as well as between one physician and another. 8. Producing qualified Muslim lady doctors for the treatment of women patients in the fast developing society of the U.A.E, which is in real need of women doctors. 9. Affording the girls of the U.A.E an opportunity to study medicine inside the country without fear of Westernization or exposure to societies following different faiths, habits and traditions. 10. Giving a chance to expatriate girl students to study medicine in the U.A.E. 11. Avoiding the system of co-education. That is why admission to the College is limited to girl students only. 12. Working towards Arabization of medical studies.

Organisation's Type

Research Center, Medical Center, Higher Education, Diagnostic Center