Hospital Clinicico San Carlos

Organisation's information


The San Carlos Hospital is a Health Centre since its establishment in 1787 has among its objectives the improvement of care, teaching and research. Rebuilt in the 60s, reaching its current location, it has been modified and adapted to the demands of Madrid society, being a reference to national and international level by the level of its facilities and its professionals. By Royal Decree 1479 / 2001 dated December 27, transfers of functions and services of the National Institute of Health to the Ministry of Health of the Autonomous Community of Madrid occur, forming part of the Health Network of the Madrid Institute of Health. the hospital has more than 5,000 professionals, the main center of reference in the training of health professionals at the Complutense University of Madrid. the building is constructed in a monoblock with an area of 175,000 square meters, and its structures are transformed annual investment programs to encourage infrastructure improvements, incorporating new technologies and equipment, making the center more comfortable for patients and families. the Hospital also has specialty centers Modesto Lafuente and Avenida de Portugal, as well as the Centers for Mental Health: Hospital Ponzano day Center Mental Health Center Mental Health Center Galiana and Mental Health Center Eagles.

Organisation's Type

Medical Center