Royal Children's Hospital (RCH)

Organisation's information


The mission of The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH), in conjunction with our Campus partners, is to improve the health and wellbeing of children and adolescents through leadership in healthcare, research and education. The Royal Children's Hospital is co-located with Campus partners the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and the University of Melbourne. Together the campus partners are known as the Melbourne Children's. Led by Prof Andrew Davidson, Medical Director of the Melbourne Children's Trials Centre, research at the Melbourne Children's is a collaboration between scientists, researchers and doctors and allows research findings to be quickly put into practice. On Campus, The Royal Children's Hospital is the custodian of clinical care, The Murdoch Childrens Research Institute is the custodian of research and the University of Melbourne is the custodian of education. MCRI provides a dedicated research precinct on site and encompasses laboratory, clinical and public health focuses in its work. The University of Melbourne is the largest research University in Australia. The University has collaborated in a significant number of projects on Campus and maintains a high research profile at the Royal Children's Hospital through the research activities of the Department of Paediatrics. Our aim is to perform ground breaking translational and patient-orientated research across the breadth of paediatric disciplines. This includes: Developing innovative treatments and therapies for our patients, using our state of the art facilities Performing high quality clinical trials, both investigator and industry-led Developing novel and improved diagnostics for our patients Understanding and preventing the development and progression of childhood illnesses

Organisation's Type

Research Center, Medical Center, Higher Education