IthaID: 347

Names and Sequences

Functionality: Globin gene causative mutation Pathogenicity: Pathogenic / Likely Pathogenic
Common Name: CD 14 TGG>CGG [Trp>Arg] HGVS Name: HBA1:c.43T>C
Hb Name: Hb Evanston Protein Info: α1 14(A12) Trp>Arg
Also known as:

We follow the HGVS sequence variant nomenclature and IUPAC standards.

Context nucleotide sequence:

Protein sequence:


Hemoglobinopathy Group: Thalassaemia and Structural Haemoglobinopathy
Hemoglobinopathy Subgroup: α-thalassaemia, α-chain variant
Allele Phenotype:α⁺
Stability: N/A
Oxygen Affinity: N/A
Associated Phenotypes: Haemolytic anaemia [HP:0001878]


Chromosome: 16
Locus: NG_000006.1
Locus Location: 37622
Size: 1 bp
Located at: α1
Specific Location: Exon 1

Other details

Type of Mutation: Point-Mutation(Substitution)
Effect on Gene/Protein Function: Missense codons (Protein Structure)
Ethnic Origin: Indian
Molecular mechanism: N/A
Inheritance: Recessive
DNA Sequence Determined: Yes

In silico pathogenicity prediction


Publications / Origin

  1. Moo-Penn WF, Baine RM, Jue DL, Johnson MH, McGuffey JE, Benson JM, Hemoglobin Evanston: alpha 14(A12) Trp leads to Arg. A variant hemoglobin associated with alpha-thalassemia-2., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 747(1), 65-70, 1983
  2. Honig GR, Shamsuddin M, Vida LN, Mompoint M, Valcourt E, Bowie LJ, Jones EC, Powers PA, Spritz RA, Guis M, Hemoglobin Evanston (alpha 14 Trp----Arg). An unstable alpha-chain variant expressed as alpha-thalassemia., The Journal of clinical investigation, 73(6), 1740-9, 1984
  3. Harteveld CL, Wijermans PW, de Ree JE, Ter Hal P, Van Delft P, Van Rooijen-Nijdam IH, Rasp E, Kok PJ, Souverijn JH, Versteegh FG, Giordano PC, A new Hb evanston allele [alpha14(A12)Trp --> Arg] found solely, and in the presence of common alpha-thalassemia deletions, in three independent Asian cases., Hemoglobin , 28(1), 1-5, 2004
Created on 2010-06-16 16:13:15, Last reviewed on 2014-03-12 15:30:43 (Show full history)

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